
Summer 2018

Justice in the New Testament Through the years, some have claimed that the two testaments of the Bible portray two very different Gods: an Old Testament God of intense wrath and judgment in contrast with a New Testament God of love, grace, and compassion—demonstrated through the life and ministry of Jesus. Such a view is totally disproven by an examination of each testament. The words love and mercy are not missing from the Old Testament, as a Bible concordance readily demonstrates. At the same time, God’s judgment and justice permeate the New Testament; and justice is the theme of this quarter. God’s righteous judgment will one day be visited on all people everywhere, and he requires justice from his people in their dealings with others. Teachings of Jesus The lessons of units 1 and 2 emphasize Jesus’ desire that people be treated with the mercy that was often denied them. […]

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Spring 2018

Acknowledging God Most of us are familiar with the child’s mealtime prayer, “God is great, God is good; let us thank him for our food.” That prayer expresses a truth that is worth remembering and honoring in adulthood as well as childhood: God is indeed great. That greatness is on display in the studies of the upcoming quarter. Sacred Space Unit 1 begins with a lesson from Genesis 22, which records Abraham’s willingness to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. When Isaac questioned where the lamb for such an offering was, his father, with the faith that became his trademark, replied, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering” (Genesis 22:8). And God did indeed provide a substitute, sparing Isaac. Certainly worth noting is the fact that the very place where this incident occurred (Mount Moriah) became the site of the magnificent temple built by King […]

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Winter 2017

Faith in action Many common expressions consist of noun pairs that seem to go together naturally. Think of salt and pepper, cause and effect, and macaroni and cheese. In the Bible, faith and works form just such a pair. The lessons for this quarter emphasize how important this combination is for any follower of the Lord. Faith and works go hand in hand in both Old and New Testaments. Committed Faith Within the first unit of study is the Christmas story (lesson 4). There we consider anew the account of the wise men, whose faith prompted them to leave home and follow a star to a distant land. Faith in action is also evident in the healing of a man who couldn’t walk (lesson 1), in the sending forth of Barnabas and Saul on the first missionary journey (lesson 2), and in the devotion of those same two men in […]

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Fall 2017

Covenant with God The concept of a covenant-making deity was virtually unknown to pagan religions of the ancient Near East. The impersonal nature of their fictitious gods contrasts starkly with the personal nature of the true God, the one who declares, “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3). He demonstrates that love through the covenants he makes with humanity. Signs from God A characteristic of God’s covenants is his provision of signs to accompany them. Such signs, or symbols, serve as reminders or visual aids. As such, they keep people aware of both their privileges and their responsibilities under the covenant at issue. This is necessary; for while God has a spotless record as a covenant keeper, humans are just as consistent in being covenant breakers. God knows all too well our tendency to forget or to be distracted from pursuing his desires for us. The covenant […]

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