
Summer 2020

Many Faces of Wisdom We admire wisdom, but struggle to define the term. In 2016, a team of psychologists a attempted to understand how people perceived the concept of wisdom. “e team presented historical figures who were generally esteemed as being wise, then asked what specific qualities made them wise. “Three templates emerged: practical wisdom, philosophical wisdom, and benevolent wisdom. Scripture confirms that wisdom manifests itself in many ways. Bezalel was filled with wisdom for his work constructing the tabernacle (Exodus 31:2, 3). Joshua was filled with wisdom to lead Israel into the promised land (Deuteronomy 34:9). A wise woman persuaded her city to slay David’s enemy and save themselves (2 Samuel 20:16–22). Even in biblical times, it was apparent that wisdom has diverse blossoms. The Roots of Wisdom True wisdom is rooted in a single source: God himself. We open unit 1 with a survey of wisdom in the […]

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Spring 2020

Justice and the Prophets Unit 1: God Requires Justice Date Title Bible Text March 1 A Call to Accountability Amos 5:18–24 March 8 A Prayer for Justice Habakkuk 1:1–4, 12–14 March 15 Consequences for Injustice Habakkuk 2:6–14 March 22 An Argument Against Corruption Micah 3:1–3, 9–12; 6:6–8 March 29 Need for Just Leaders Malachi 2:1–9; 3:5, 6 Unit 2: God Promises a Just Kingdom Date Title Bible Text April 5 A Just Servant Isaiah 42:1–9 April 12 A Resurrected Savior 1 Corinthians 15:1–8, 12–14, 20–23, 42–45 April 19 An Executed Scoundrel Esther 7:1–10 April 26 A Justice-Loving God Isaiah 61:8–11; 62:2–4a Unit 3: Called to God’s Work of Justice Date Title Bible Text May 3 Prophesying Restoration Zephaniah 3:14–20 May 10 Promising Peace Zechariah 8:1–8, 11–17 May 17 Practice Justice Jeremiah 21:8–14 May 24 Repent of Injustice Jeremiah 22:1–10 May 31 Pursue Love and Justice Hosea 11:1, 2, 7–10; 12:1, […]

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Winter 2019

Honoring God In a courtroom, the judge is referred to as “Your Honor.” Chivalrous men vow to protect their ladies’ honor. High-achieving students work to make the honor roll. At a small bed-and-breakfast, guests might find a basket of snacks and be trusted with paying on the honor system. This English word is very old, with its first usage being traced to the thirteenth century. Honor means “fame earned,” recognition based on merit. An appointed or elected jurist, a chaste person, an exceptional student, and trusted clientele gain a reputation by past behavior. More than any human being, God has earned his fame. This quarter is designed to explore how the Bible teaches us to express honor to God. To do so, these lessons will focus on three studies from Scripture. David and Mary Express Honor In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus defends the assassination of Caesar as a noble deed. […]

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Fall 2019

Responding To God’s Grace Our times are marked by dramatic changes in how we relate to each other, both as individuals and as communities.The days of tight-knit neighborhoods are a distant memory in many parts of the world. Families transplant themselves cross-country. A single mouse-click can dissolve an online friendship. Marriages often don’t last. The new normal frequently comes at the price of loyalty and permanence, qualities the authors of the Scriptures might have referred to as “faithfulness.” A God Worth Knowing The word faithfulness simply doesn’t have much currency in our time. Before we fault cultural shifts for our fragile relationships, we should recall the opening pages of Scripture. Sin’s curse disrupted all relationships, especially our relationship with God. Alienated from God, humanity hatched countless false religions throughout the world, each searching for truth about the Creator. Against that backdrop of confusion, alienation, and idolatry, God revealed himself and […]

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