
Summer 2024

Hope in the Lord One dictionary defines hope as “to want something to happen or be true” or “to desire with the expectation of obtainment or fulfillment.” In popular use, a hope is often closely associated with a wish; there is not necessarily an expectation that this “hope” will come true. But Christian hope is based on nothing less than God’s promises and the confidence we have based on his faithfulness to his promises. We do not wish God would honor his promises; we hope he will. This quarter of study traces hope through the generations. Hope and the Church The five lessons of Unit I, “Experiencing Hope,” consider hope through the lens of those whose faith in Christ gave shape to the early church. In Colossians 1:27 (lesson 1), Paul tells the Colossians that the mysteries of God become known to them as their hope in Christ transforms their […]

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Spring 2024

Examining Our Faith The Greek word for faith appears over two hundred times in the New Testament. Its usage can refer to at least two different but related concepts. This quarter will explore the significance of faith and how the people of God live with faith. Community Faith The expression “the faith” refers to the beliefs and paradigms distinct to followers of Jesus (examples: Acts 6:7; 1 Corinthians 16:13; 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 Timothy 3:9; Titus 1:13; Jude 3). The most central belief and the key to the faith itself is the resurrection of Jesus Christ (see Mark 16:1–8, lesson 5). Without Jesus’ death and resurrection, our faith would be in vain. Following “the faith” consists of being filled with Christ and indwelt by God’s Spirit. The apostle Paul encourages believers to practice self-examination regarding the presence of Christ in their lives and whether or not they are “in the […]

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Winter 2023

Faith That Pleases God This quarter’s lessons examine how individuals from Scripture lived faithful lives that pleased God. Their stories reveal how we can honor God through our lives of faith. Without faith, our attempts to please God will fall short (see Hebrews 11:6). Profiles in Faith This quarter begins by exploring the faith of various people from Scripture. One person who demonstrated unwavering faith is Ruth the Moabite. Because of her faith, she had confidence that the Lord would be with her and her mother-in-law, even in desperate circumstances (see Ruth 1:16–17, lesson 1). Demonstrating faith is not easy; sometimes faith requires that people stand alone. The young shepherd David faced this reality as he confronted the Philistine (see 1 Samuel 17:45, lesson 2). In doing so, David went against the expectations of his people and his king (see 17:31–33). Likewise, it was not easy for Mary, a young, […]

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Fall 2023

God’s Law Is Love One point of conflict in the first-century church concerned the authority and relevancy of the Law of Moses. This quarter will explore the relationship between faith and law through Jesus’ teachings and writings to the first-century church. Jesus, the Pharisees, and the Law During his earthly ministry, Jesus experienced conflict with certain Pharisees. This party of Judaism was strict and passionate regarding obedience to the Law of Moses and its related commentary. To ensure obedience, they had established traditions to guide their actions. However, Jesus identified disparities between the requirements of the Law of Moses and the Pharisees’ obedience. One inconsistency involved their devotion to the law at the expense of acting with love (see Luke 11:42, lesson 1). Other inconsistencies regarded their observance of the Sabbath (see Luke 14:1–6; John 7:14–24; lessons 2 and 3). On one occasion, some Pharisees and teachers of the law […]

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