Winter 2024

A King Forever and Ever

This quarter explores the broad sweep of Scripture’s teaching regarding God’s reign—teaching that culminates in the proclamation of Jesus as the earthly exhibition of that kingdom. Beginning with key moments in the history of Jesus’ ancestors, this quarter highlights Jesus’ birth as the Son of David. The quarter then moves to a four-week study of psalms that extol the reign of God. The conclusion of the quarter provides a look at Jesus’ teachings on life in God’s kingdom.

Jesus, the Heir of David

The first unit of lessons prepares us for the Christmas season by introducing us to members of Jesus’ lineage. Each individual in that lineage is a testament to God’s faithfulness and his glorious plan for his kingdom. This royal lineage would culminate with the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.
The example of Ruth demonstrates the ways that God’s plan for his kingdom defies human expectations. Even though Ruth was a Gentile (non-Jewish person), she was welcomed and loved (Ruth 4:9–17, lesson 1). Through this Gentile woman, God continued his plan for an eternal kingdom and eternal King. Her descendants were included in the genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:31–32).
Other members of Jesus’ lineage reveal the surprising ways that God works. King David’s behavior was a mixed bag, but his “house and [his] kingdom” (2 Samuel 7:16, lesson 2) would be forever. His royal line would eventually lead to the promised Messiah. Zechariah, a relative of Jesus who lived at the time of Jesus’ birth, considered how his own son would prepare the way for Jesus. Zechariah’s son, John, would become “a prophet of the Most High” and one who would give “knowledge of salvation” (Luke 1:76–77, lesson 3).
The Scripture text of lesson 4 reveals the culmination of the long-awaited hope. Luke’s Gospel highlights how Jesus’ birth, as the heir of David, brings good news to the world—even to lowly shepherds (Luke 2:1–16). The first unit of lessons concludes with a glimpse of Jesus, the “Son of David” (18:38, lesson 5), who bestows mercy on those in need.

Our God Reigns

The songbook of the ancient people of God, the Psalms, praises the reign of God. Through these songs, God’s people find comfort in the assurance of God’s reign (Psalm 10:12–18, lesson 6). He is the eternal and all-powerful King (Psalms 47; 93; see lesson 7), who is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love” (103:8, lesson 8). As such, God’s people praise his righteous name for his powerful acts as ruler of an everlasting kingdom (145:10–21, lesson 9).

Life in the Kingdom

The quarter concludes with four lessons from the Gospel of Matthew in which Jesus explains the nature and obligations of life in his kingdom. This manner of living consists of prayer marked with praise, petitions, and forgiveness (Matthew 6:5–15, lesson 10). Life in this kingdom will not be marked with ease. In fact, citizens of this heavenly kingdom will inevitably face resistance in this world, for “the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence” (11:12, lesson 11).
Life in the kingdom will often involve reorienting expectations. When a rich young ruler sought eternal life through his good deeds, Jesus pointed him toward a more profound understanding of kingdom living (Matthew 19:16–30, lesson 12). More than anything, citizens of this heavenly kingdom are called to faithful obedience to the King, even in unexpected contexts (25:31–46, lesson 13).

by Jon Miller

Unit 1: Jesus, the Heir of David

Date Title Bible Text
December 1 Jesus’ Ancestry Ruth 4:9–17; Luke 3:23, 31b–32
December 8 God’s Promise 2 Samuel 7:4–17
December 15 A Father’s Prophecy Luke 2:1–16
December 22 Savior’s Birth Luke 2:1–16
December 29 David’s Son Luke 18:35–43

Unit 2: Our God Reigns

Date Title Bible Text
January 5 The Lord Is King Psalm 10:12–18
January 12 The Lord Is Majestic Psalm 93
January 19 The Lord Is Active Psalm 103:1–14
January 26 The Lord Is Righteous Psalm 145:1, 10–21

Unit 3: Life in God’s Kingdom

Date Title Bible Text
February 2 Heeding Whooly Matthew 6:5–15
February 9 Praying Properly Matthew 11:7–15, 20–24
February 16 Living Lastly Matthew 19:16–30
February 23 Ministering Mightily Matthew 25:31–46