Due to the forecasted winter weather in our area, our Friday, January 10th, services are cancelled (in person and online). God bless you and keep you safe!

Important Announcement Regarding Reopening of Public Services in the FRBC Atlanta Church Sanctuary

As per the previous Sunday announcement, FRBC Atlanta leadership team decided to re-open the public services in our church sanctuary beginning May 24th 2020.

The worship program, consisting of prayer, Bible Study, and preaching of the Word, mixed with moments of songs of praise and poem reciting, will begin at 10:30AM ET and will be over at 12:00 PM ET. The entire program will be broadcasted online on the church’s website, as well as on the media pages of YouTube and the church Facebook, like before.

For now we’ll only have one service per Sunday, in the morning.

We need to share the regulations and recommendations of these public services:

  • We’ ll keep the social distancing, avoiding of physical contact, and we’ll follow all the directions and preventive regulations for medical protection stipulated by CDC.
  • We’ll have people in charge of the activities organized over here. We ask you to cooperate with them and to entirely follow their seating arrangement instructions in the sanctuary and the use of public places.
  • We’ll greet each other without shaking hands in order to avoid any chance of contamination.
  • Entering and exiting the church sanctuary must be done in order, without crowding the doors. At the end of the service the ushers will open all doors for a quick exit.
  • The entire worship service will take place in the sanctuary. There will be no activities in the other rooms, for any age group. The parents are asked to keep and control their kids all the time.
  • If there weren’t enough seats in the sanctuary, people in charge will direct to the gym those who wish to watch the service live, and there they’ll benefit suitable accomodations.
  • It’s optional to wear masks or gloves, because we’ll follow the rules of social distancing.

After more than ten weeks since the last public service in the church building, we understand the desire of every brother or sister for fellowship, and that’s why we will welcome you to attend our Sunday service in person. At the same time, we ask you to be cautious and have the wisdom that comes from above in all your actions.

We urge those having health issues or suffering from certain diseases, as well as our elderly brothers and sisters to avoid participating in these services, at least for a while.

We wish that the re-opening of our services be a great act of worship of our Lord, through everything that’s happening inside.

We are looking forward to seeing you,

FRBC Atlanta Leadership team