
Cristian Marius Selagea 6/9/1975 -6/24/2024 Cristian Marius Selagea (Cris or Kiki) left this side of heaven and stepped into glory, on June 24th, 2024, at 6:35PM, after a very long battle with MS. He is survived by his wife Ioana, his son Gabe, parents Timotei and Ligia, sister Daniela and brother-in-law, Sorin, his nieces and their families, aunts and uncles here in the States and in Romania, many cousins and in law family in Romania. He is also survived by an even larger group of close friends who made the choice to join Cris’ difficult journey and offered help,...
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Marcel (Marcu) Simonca was born in Arad, Romania to parents Ioan and Livia Simonca. He was the 3rd oldest of four brothers (Otinel, Daniel, Marcel, and John). His parents were believers and he and his brothers were raised in Christian household. At age of 17, Marcu dedicated his life to Jesus Christ and was baptized. He developed a love for soccer at a very early age because of his father. At the age of 18, he was on the path to become a professional soccer player for UTA Arad, but his family moved to the United States to escape...
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It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Flaviu Muntean. Born on July 28, 1939, in the town of Ocna-Mureș, Alba County, he was part of the family of Aurel and Aurelia Muntean, alongside his four siblings: Virgil, Tănase, Lia, and Felicia. Flaviu spent his youth learning and working, completing high school and technical school in Alba-Iulia, and then serving in Cluj-Napoca. In 1976, God brought Cornelia Gal into his life, and they started a family that same year. Flaviu was blessed with the birth of his first child, Flavia,...
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Maria Craiovan s-a născut la data de 24 Octombrie 1930 în localitatea Moldova Nouă, județul Caras Severin într-o familie de credincioși baptiști fiind a treia fiică dintre cei șase copii. La virsta de patru ani a rămas orfană de mama și a fost crescută de o mătușă care cu toate că a rămas văduvă de război a crescut-o pe Maria împreună cu cei doi copii ai săi. La virsta de 18 ani la mărturisit pe Domnul Isus ca mântuitor și a fost botezată de fratele Mircu Cocar în biserica baptistă din Moldova Nouă. La virsta de 25 de ani...
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Adriana Keiaua was Born on November 27, 1955, in Rosiori De Vede and grew up in Romania with her parents, Alexandru and Victoria, a sister, Lili, and a brother, Adrian. She escaped communism and moved to the United States in 1988 with her husband, Sandu Keiaua, and her two children, Leonard and Constantin (Chris). She made the Atlanta suburbs her home and joined the local Romanian community. In the 1990s, Adriana opened up one of the first European Deli markets in Atlanta, serving the Romanian and European communities in Atlanta. Adriana was a member of the First Romanian Baptist...
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