Funeral for Sister Maria Craiovan
Wages and sons 1031 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA, United StatesMaria Craiovan s-a născut la data de 24 Octombrie 1930 în localitatea Moldova Nouă, județul Caras Severin într-o familie de credincioși baptiști fiind a treia fiică dintre cei șase copii. La virsta de patru ani a rămas orfană de mama și a fost crescută de o mătușă care cu toate că a rămas văduvă de […]
Funeral – Flaviu Muntean
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesIt is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Flaviu Muntean. Born on July 28, 1939, in the town of Ocna-Mureș, Alba County, he was part of the family of Aurel and Aurelia Muntean, alongside his four siblings: Virgil, Tănase, Lia, and Felicia. Flaviu spent his youth […]
Funeral for Marcel (Marcu) Simonca
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesFuneral Service – Cristian Marius Selagea
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesCristian Marius Selagea 6/9/1975 -6/24/2024 Cristian Marius Selagea (Cris or Kiki) left this side of heaven and stepped into glory, on June 24th, 2024, at 6:35PM, after a very long battle with MS. He is survived by his wife Ioana, his son Gabe, parents Timotei and Ligia, sister Daniela and brother-in-law, Sorin, his nieces and […]