Predici – Păstori

Why did Nikolas Cruz Kill 17 classmates? Why would this innocent looking 61 year old man (Donald Smith) kidnap an 8 year old girl (Cherish  Perrywinkle) from Walmart and kill her? Why should you, as…

Quiet christians

februarie 4, 2018
If you were on national TV and had your 15 minutes of fame, what would you say? If you won the SuperBowl what you say? Do we as Christians need…

O credință biruitoare

februarie 4, 2018

Legătura frățească

ianuarie 28, 2018


ianuarie 21, 2018
What do the Atlantic currents and Booggie Boarding teach us about the danger of drifting away from our original location? Hebrews 2:1 warns us to be pay careful attention so…