
Welcome, You are here – You are Home!

And we welcome you! Why you ask? Because that’s what Jesus would do. He would invite all into His home. So we open our door to you, to First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta!

You may wonder, is that what Jesus would do? “What would Jesus do?” No doubt you may have heard this popular saying within many a Christian ministry circle and church. But for us, it not just a catch phrase, a slogan or a passing tagline. Rather, it speaks to God’s Truth and His ever present calling to live out his mission, to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31).

Through His Word, we discover that Jesus calls us home. At FRBCA we call you to worship alongside us. Whether you are a first time visitor, a curious passerby, or a long time member, it is always good to come Home, to a place that you know, to a haven that provides refuge, to a place where you can rest in the Truth of the Lord. Jesus did just this when he said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

So, no matter your situation, station or circumstance in life, we warmly welcome you. There is a place for everyone at First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta. Whether you are a newcomer, seeking the small circle of a bible study group, a musician with an instrument in your hand and a song in your heart, or simply someone who wants to ignite his unique talents and honor God with all He’s given you, this is the place for you!

We pray that you will explore the many opportunities to learn, lead and love our Lord Jesus Christ at FRBCA. Together we can partake of a life that serves our Lord and Savior in Spirit and in Truth.

Please find below our main worship services and times. For specific men’s, women’s children’s, youth and other ministries, we urge you to visit the links specific to each group on our menu page.