Sermons – Church pastors

Un nou început

January 1, 2020
Bible Text: Exodus 33:1-3, 12-23 | Preacher: Daniel Tuple

Stați (fiți) liniștiți

December 31, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 46:10 | Preacher: Cristi Cocian

Cine este Isus?

December 29, 2019
Bible Text: Hebrews 1:1-14 | Preacher: Daniel Tuple
Bible Text: Luke 2:25-35 | Preacher: Cristi Cocian
Bible Text: Isaiah 9:6-7 | Preacher: Cristi Cocian

Why the shepherds?

December 24, 2019
Bible Text: Luke 2:8-20 | Preacher: Ariel Cocian | Why did God choose the shepherds to be announced first after the birth of Christ, to be the first to see…

Închinarea Magilor

December 22, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12 | Preacher: Cristi Cocian

Împlinirea vremii

December 20, 2019
Bible Text: Galatians 4:4-7 | Preacher: Cristi Cocian

Dumnezeu este cu noi

December 15, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 1:28-25 | Preacher: Daniel Tuple
Bible Text: John 1:1-14 | Preacher: Cristi Cocian
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