Obituary – Simion Medrea

Simon Medrea was born on March 16th 1941, in the Seleus, Arad -Romania. He was the 5th child from a family of Christian background, whom through their lives taught him to follow the path of Jesus Christ .Therefore at 16 years of age, he publicly professed is faith in Jesus Christ through baptism. He was baptized by Pastor Teofil Talpes in the city of Tarnova.

In 1962 Simion married Tabita Renner. Together they had 11 children , out of which two are already with our dear Lord. He is survived by his wife of 56 years and his 9 children: Daniel, Gino, Marius, Emanuel, David, Simona, Timotei, Eunice,Jeremia and their extended families.

A master painter and seasoned constructor, throughout his life Simion strived and worked hard; doing his best everyday as if he was working for the Lord. While residing in Romania he contributed with a large heart to the formation of the Romanian baptist community in the city of Arad. Brothers in Christ reminisce about his dedication of the opening and renovation of the Romanian Baptist Church Harul from Gai, which was closed by the communist leaders. Simion entered the building, broke the government’s seal and started painting and renovating the church. His true motivation and desire to serve the Lord went as far as to sell his mode of transportation, his motorcycle to buy chairs for the congregation.The baptist church from Gradiste,also benefited from his time , hard work and his generous givings.

The Baptist Church Golgota from the town of Bujac, was a church particularly dear to his heart. Brother Simion worked with diligence and passion in every phase of the constructions of the church; he was an integral part from the acquiring of the land all the way to the church opening. Simion Medrea would drive every week to Oradea and bring brother Olah, so the church would have a pastor. There was a great spiritual togetherness, while at the same instance a difficult time to live through for them. Eventually the communists closed down the church , prohibiting meetings even in the basement of the church or the annex ( where they still tried to hold services). As a result of his refusal to follow the directives, Simion was arrested but freed a short time later.

Because of his activism in the baptist community and the hardships endured, he was forced to file for approval to immigrate to the United States of America. After a wait of 7 years, Simion and his family were granted the right to leave the country ( with the help and involvement of brother Alexa Popovici). However, before they immigrated , the Romanian government removed all of their rights as citizens under the premises that he “illegally aided in the constructions of churches”.

In 1985 the Medrea family arrived in Florida, at the church pastored by Teofil Talpes, the same person that baptised him 28 years earlier. Simon and his family lived in Florida for 10 years, after which they move to Georgia. In his later years, he suffered sevaral physical ailments, causing his health to decline even further, until finally on November 27th 2018 the Lord called him home. Simion Medrea was a man of prayer; a man who loved God and whose life resonate clearly a respect and a deep admiration for Jesus Christ whom he served throughout his life.

You will be missed, our dear husband, father and grandfather, but as we say goodbye to you , we have faith that we will see you again in glory, next to our Lord.

The Medrea family