Category: Obituary

Adriana Keiaua – Obituary

Adriana Keiaua was Born on November 27, 1955, in Rosiori De Vede and grew up in Romania with her parents, Alexandru and Victoria, a sister, Lili, and a brother, Adrian. She escaped communism and moved to the United States in 1988 with her husband, Sandu Keiaua, and her two children, Leonard and Constantin (Chris). She […]

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Traian Popovici – Obituary

Traian Popovici was born September 5, 1950 in the village of Mierlau, Bihor Romania to parents Iosif and Maria. He was his parents’ only child and when Traian was five years old, his mother passed away so Traian was left without a mother. Traian grew up in the countryside and spent his time out on […]

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Petru Trutza – Obituary

Petru Truta s-a nascut in Bucuresti la data de 11 Noiembrie 1933, din părinți Petru și Florea Truta. Petru și Florica au avut 3 copii: Cornelia, Petrica si Viorel. Părinții au fost credincioși și iau crescut in dragoste pentru Domnul Isus. Mama le spunea mereu: voi sa nu faceti ce fac copii ceilalti, voi sunteti speciali. A […]

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Ioana Barbu – Obituary

Ioana Barbu 23 mai 1939-28 ian. 2023 In primavara anului 1939, in ziua de 23 mai, pe malurile frumoase ale Cheilor Bicazului, in Bicaz Chei, a venit pe lume mult asteptata fetita Ioana, in familia de ortodocsi credinciosi Gheorghe si Ana Dondu care erau la o vrista inaintata. Copilaria Ioanei a fost scurta, raminind orfana […]

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