Category: Obituary

Traian Niculaş

Traian Niculas was born on January 14th 1930 in the village of Cetea, Alba County, Romania, in the family of Nicolae and Iudifta Niculas. He was the second of four siblings – Ioan, Traian, Ana, and Aurel . His childhood was spent in his native village and as a young man he started working in […]

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Ana Nicoară

Ana Nicoara was born on April 21st 1934 in the city of Campia Turzii, Cluj county, the daughter of Mihail and Maria Latis. Her father died when she was only two years old, thus both she and her older sister, Maria, being fatherless, were raised up by their mother and maternal grandparents in mom’s native […]

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Florica Ştefănuţi

Florica (Andras) Stefanut was born in Pestere, Romania on August 30, 1933. She grew up as the fifth child in a close-knit Christian family of eight siblings: Dumitru, Maria, Olimpia, Grigore, Florica, Stela, Romica (Roma) and Petru. She turned to God and made a covenant with him through baptism at the age of 16. From […]

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Samuel Marinca

He was born November 24, 1948 in comuna Viisoara, judetul Cluj, Romania, to his parents Catalina and Ilie Marinca. He was 1 of 11 loving siblings: Cornel Marinca, Ilie Marinca, Ana Sandru, Ica Marinca, Maria Jar, Emil Marinca, & Tibi Marinca, two of them died while infants and Ioan Marinca died in 2004. Samy gave […]

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