What does a great life lived with Jesus look like? Ana Rodila, Mica for most of us, was born on the 21 day of DEC 1936 in Gabud, Alba district of Romania. She was one of 12 children born to Niculae & Ana Iuoras. She was part of a Christian family and would start each day with prayer and worship. This is something that she carried on for the rest of her life as she could often be heard humming hymns and ceaselessly praying throughout the day. Ana was fervent to learn. As part of growing up on a...
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Silviu Gligor was born on January 27, 1938 in Valcani, Timis County, to parents Gheorghe and Maria Gligor. Together with his family at the age of 6 he moved to Timisoara. In 1955 he met Ileana Bejenariu with whom he married in 1956. In their family in Timisoara, 2 daughters Daniela and Angelica were born. In August 1987, he and his wife arrived in Georgia, United States, where they settled in Georgia. They attended the First Romanian Baptist church where in 1987 they surrendered their lives to Jesus and in November they were baptized by pastors Martian Cocian and...
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Brandusa C. Dragu, s-a nascut la 13 Sept.1928 in loc. Bolvasnita jud. Caras severin, fiind, unul din cei cinci copii ai lui Petru si Floarea Cocirteu; Petru, Ana, Simion, Brandusa si Ioan. A avut privilegiul sa se nasca intr-o familie crestina. Tatal, ei Petru Cocirteu, a fost un credincios orthodox iar mama ei Floarea Cociretu a fost o credincioasa baptista. Fiindca parintii ei, Petru si Floarea Cocirteu , au decis ca in perioada anilor 1923-1926, Biserica Crestina Baptista din Bolvasnita sa foloseasca una din casele lor ca local de inchinaciune, pana s-a terminat constructia Bisericii Crestine Baptiste din Bolvasnita,...
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"And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them." - Revelations 14:3 Our mother Maria Motz was born in Iscroni on February 27, 1929! She grew up in Arad, then was baptized at Speranța Church by Fr Alexa Popovici, after which in 1947 Fr Alexa officiated the marriage with Simion Motz. In 1978 the Motz family immigrated to America and either settled in California and then in 1988 or...
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Gheorghe Ille, commonly known as “Brother Ille”, was born in Mizieș, a small village in the Bihor County, Romania, on June 25, 1930 to Caterina and Casian Ille. He was the fifth of six children (Martian, Florica, Marioara, Saveta, and Silvia). Although his parents were devout Eastern Orthodox Christians, like many of his peers, Gheorghe loved to have a good time with his friends, especially while attending the weekly “hora” (a Romanian folk dance) in the village. During this time period, “Oastea Domnului” (The Lord’s Army – a revival movement within the Eastern Orthodox Church) began to have...
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