
Surrounded by family, Vasile Ianculovici at the age of 75 went to be with his Heavenly Father on October 13, 2021. Vasile was born on May 24, 1946, in Susca, a small village in Romania. He was the second of four sons born to Traian and Maria Ianculovici. His strong character was forged in his early years when at the age of 14 he left his hometown to attend school and soon after started working to help provide for his family. For the rest of his life, Vasile continued to work hard and was always ready and willing to...
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"Lord, what is man, that you may take cognizance of him, the son of man, that you may take heed to him? Man is like a breath, his days are like the shadow that passes. " - Psalm 144:3-4 In the city of Hunedoara, on May 25, 1961, in the family of Constantin and Ioana Bolof, a Christian family, the first child was born, Constantin (George/Gigi). God blessed the family with 4 more boys and a girl: Vasile,Viorel, Daniela, Daniel, and John. As a child, he loved to read; his passion was books, and he read until late at...
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22 iunie 1929 – 5 iulie 2021 Ștefan Teodor Manea a fost cel mai mic copil în familie, născut în satul Vărșand lânga granița cu Ungaria și nu departe de Chișineu-Criș care este între Salonta și Arad. A avut o soră mai mare, Florița si un frate, Ionel care a murit tânăr. A fost in armată apoi ucenic pe lângă un dentist si în timp a devenit tehnician dentar. S-a mutat la București, s-a căsătorit și are doi copii Gabriel și Dana. În jurul anului 1968 a vizitat Bulgaria și Istanbul încercând sa treacă cumva în vest dar nu...
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Sa născut pe 5 Noiembrie 1932 în satul Pestere, Caras Severin al patrulea copil în familia lui Alexandru și Ana Mircu. Au fost 6 copii : Zamfir, Dochia, Duta, Ioan, Solomon și Petru. La varsta de 9 ani a rămas orfan de tată iar mama sa a fost nevoită sa creasca singura cei șase copii. După ce a terminat scoala generala a plecat la Lugoj ca să învețe meseria de croitor după care a fost angajat la Complexul Otelu Rosu. A făcut 3 ani de serviciu militar. În acest timp a cunoscut-o pe Ana Sfia cu care se căsătorește...
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Pastorel “Relu” Margeanu was born on February 20, 1953, in Gura Vaii, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania.  He was the 2nd child of 4 from a family of Christian background who taught and instilled in him a deep love and reverence for Jesus Christ.  He grew up with stories of his grandfather establishing a small church in his own home and adopting orphaned street kids to actively demonstrate God’s love. His grandfather and parents created a legacy of faith that was passed on to Relu.  In 1972, at the age of 19, Relu publicly professed his faith in Jesus Christ through...
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