
Mihai (Mike) Popovich was born June 8th 1936 in Bucharest, Romania. His father died when he was only nine years old and as the oldest boy in the home, he quickly and without hesitation, assumed the role of “the man of the house” at a very young age to help his family. He lived through many tough times including wars, communism, famine, poverty, health issues and yet always trusted, loved and followed the Lord, reading his Bible daily. A master in his trade, he worked hard to provide for his family and bring them out of Communist Romania to...
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Ana Ille, born Clanda, known as Anuța, Mămica, Buna, Mătușa, sister Anuța or sister Ille, was born on September 12, 1932 in Tărcăița, a small village in Bihor county, Romania. She was the third child of Saveta and Vasile Clanda. Ana's father, Vasile (his children and grandchildren called him ‘Tata’), fought in World War I, and while in a labor camp in Russia as a prisoner of war, he met some "brothers from Buteni" who shared the gospel with him and gave him a bible. Upon his return home, Vasile joined the Baptist movement that had begun in their...
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Andrei Darius Andreica went home to be with the Lord on December 27, 2021, at the age of 28. Darius was born in Arad, Romania, on April 14, 1993 to his parents Mirela and Victor Andreica, as the youngest of three children. He emigrated with his parents and siblings (Sorin and Gabi) from Romania to Chicago, IL in June 1996. The family moved to Georgia in 1998. As a child and young man, Darius was well liked by others because of his wit, humor and charm. He was friendly and outgoing and made people around him laugh and feel...
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Maria Jar – Obituary

November 11, 2021
Maria Jar went home to be with Jesus on November 8th, 2021 at the age of 79. Maria was born to Catalina and Ilie Marinca on June 12, 1942 in Viisoara, Romania. She was a member of the baptist church and, at the age of 14, proclaimed her heart to Jesus through baptism. She finished her general studies at 18 yrs old and 4 years later married Mihai Jar on September 20th, 1964. This union was blessed with 5 children. Maria and her family emigrated from Romania to Chicago, IL USA in May of 1984 and 1 year later...
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ILEANA GLIGOR 13 IULIE 1938 – 14 OCTOMBRIE 2021 Pe data de 13 Iulie 1938 in Localitatea Serbanesti , Jud. Galati in familia lui Gheorge si Cristina s-a nascut al patrulea copil dintre cei sapte : Sandu, Anica, Ilie, Ileana, Constantin, Vasile si Ecaterina. In acea vreme viata nu a fost prea usoara in partea acea de tara. La vista de 6 ani, fratele ei Sandu impreuna cu sotia Elisaveta Bejenariu au adus-o pe Ileana in Banat in Timisoara si au infiat-o ei neavind copii. A urmat scoala in Timisoara , iar in vara anului 1955 l-a intilnit pe...
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