
Wake – Luci Buth

Flanigan Funeral Home and Crematory 4400 S Lee St, Buford, GA, United States

Today, March 12, 2018, our sister in the Lord Luci Buth ended her run on the earth and headed for the wonderful homeland where she meets the Lord and the Savior whom she loved and faithfully served. We pray to the Lord that He will comfort the sad family with the hope of reveling on […]


First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Wake – Ecaterina Tinku

Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United States

On Monday, March 19th 1918, at a beautiful age of more than 95 years, our sister in the Lord, Ecaterina Tinku, ended her running on the earth and went to the eternal country where she was met by the Lord and Savior whom she loved and ministered to faithfully. We pray to the Lord that He […]

Kids Easter program practice

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Kids will have their final choir practice this Saturday at 9:30 AM. Please arrive on time so we can start on time.

Funeral – Ecaterina Tinku

Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United States

On Monday, March 19th 1918, at a beautiful age of more than 95 years, our sister in the Lord, Ecaterina Tinku, ended her running on the earth and went to the eternal country where she was met by the Lord and Savior whom she loved and ministered to faithfully. We pray to the Lord that He […]

Serviciul de Joia Mare

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Serviciul de Vinerea Mare

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Website design meeting

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

All are welcome at our second website design meeting. We will meet and discuss the changes from the first meeting and upcoming changes as well.

Kids choir practice – Mother’s day

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

The children's choir will practice for their mother's day program. Please arrive on time.


First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Masa speciala în cinstea mamelor

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Duminica viitoare este ziua mamelor. Cu ocazia aceasta sâmbătă 19 mai la ora 10:00 este o masa speciala în cinstea mamelor. Toate surorile sunt invitate și dacă sunt din acelea care nu au transport să ia legătura cu sora Elvira Niculaș.

Graduation celebration 2018

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Catalin and Alexandra Mitroi Bridal Shower

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Catalin and Alexandra Mitroi Bridal Shower's will be held at FRBCA's Gym on July 21, 2017.

Adunare de comitet

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Joi, 9 august, la ora 7:30 vom avea adunare de comitet.

Servici de cununie

First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United States

Sâmbătă 18 august la ora 2:00PM în sanctuarul bisericii noastre va avea loc serviciul de cununie a fr. Cătălin Mitroi cu sora Alexandra Stoica. Masa de recepție va avea loc în gym. Toți membri bisericii sunt invitați. Vă rugăm să confirmați participarea prin a suna pe fr. Cătălin la numărul (678)300-0184, astfel veți ajuta la […]

Church picnic

Unicoi State Park Anna Ruby Falls Rd, Sautee Nacoochee, GA, United States

Sâmbătă de 22 septembrie, 2018, vom organiza o ieșire la Hellen, Georgia unde vom folosi pavilionul 3. Vă rugăm să vă programați să participati la această ieșire, acest picnic al bisericii.

Wake sister Iustina Dudaș

White Columns Chapel & Cremations 1115 Clay Rd SW, Mableton, Georgia

Today, September 25, 2018, our sister in the Lord, Iustina Dudaș, has come to the end of her suffering and she has been received into the loving arms of her Savior  whom she loved and faithfully served. We pray to the Lord that He will comfort the mourning family with the hope of seeing her […]