Lois Gabor Bridal Shower
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesFuneral for Ana Rodila
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesToday, Aprilie 23rd 2020 Ana Rodila, our beloved sister in the Lord, finished her journey on this earth and she is already in the presence of our Lord Jesus whom she loved and served faitfully. We are with the grieving family and we wish God’s comforts on all of them who survived her, especially on […]
Funeral service for Silviu Gligor
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesThe funeral service will take place on Saturday, May 2nd 2020, 2:00 PM at Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel in Buford. The funeral service will take place at the grave site. If you want to attend please practice safe social distancing guidelines. There will be no service inside the chapel, only outside by the grave.
Ladies celebration of Mother’s Day
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesThe ladies breakfast for Mother's Day event is canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Ladies are invited to watch a Mother's Day celebration online on our Facebook group First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta | Ladies' Ministry.
Kids Choir – Mother’s day Program
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesJoin us this Sunday for our Kids Choir mother's day program!
Înmormântare sora Florica Nicolae
Broadlwn Memoial Gdens, Buford 5979 New Bethany Rd., Buford, GA, United StatesAstăzi 13 Mai 2020, sora noastră în Domnul Florica Nicolae si-a sfârșit alergarea pe acest pământ și este în prezența Celui pe care l-a iubit și slujit cu credincioșie, Domnul Isus. Suntem alături de familia îndoliată și dorim ca Domnul să-i mângăie pe toți cei rămași și în special pe fratele Doru, fiul sorei Florica. […]
Josiah Sirb and Gina Bodnar Wedding
Cristiana Faur-Bridal Shower
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesThis is an online event on Zoom. For instruction how to join the event please read the attached document on page 2.
Cristiana Faur and Sam Huh Wedding
Tocoa Falls GA, United StatesDana Cioloca Baby Shower
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesJoin us in celebrating Dana Cioloca and Chris Cioloca for their upcoming bundle of joy. The baby shower will be held in the church gym.
Wake for brother Nicu Niculaș
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesThe wake service will take place on Friday, February 12th, at 7 pm in the church’s gym.
Funeral for brother Nicu Niculaș
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesThe funeral will take place on Saturday, February 13th, at 1 pm at Hamilton Mill Funeral Home.
Baby Shower honoring Elena Caisin
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesSaturday, February 20th at 2:00 PM, Lawrenceville, GA hosted by Maria and Silvia Tulei. The shower will take place at the First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta. Meet us in the gym due to covid restrictions. Mommy to be is not registered, please shower her with cash or personal gifts.
Wake service for Păstorel “Relu” Mărgeanu
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesFuneral and burial service for Păstorel “Relu” Mărgeanu
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesWake for Ștefan Teodor Manea
Wages and sons 1031 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA, United StatesFuneral for Ștefan Teodor Manea
Wages and sons 1031 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA, United StatesWake Service for Constantin George Bolof
First Romanian Baptist Church of Atlanta 1280 Lawrenceville-Suwanee RD., Lavrenceville, GA, United StatesFuneral and Burial Service for Constantin George Bolof
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 3481 Hamilton Mill Rd, Buford, GA, United StatesFuneral for Ilie Ciocan
Flanigan Funeral Home and Crematory 4400 S Lee St, Buford, GA, United StatesOn September 27, 2021, our brother in the Christ, Ilie Ciocan, came to the end of his suffering and has been received into the loving arms of his Savior. We pray to the Lord that He will comfort the mourning family with the hope of seeing him again on the other side. The funeral service […]